Monday, January 31, 2011


Chris and Holly spent Christmas, New Year's and most of January in Katonah at Barbara's house. This year that meant they saw a lot of snow.  I don't think Chris likes snow that much.  He makes a lot of noise when it snows and he seems to be irritated or agitated by it.  The very first time he saw it snowing, when he was very young, I brought a snowball inside for him to see.  Surprisingly he had no reaction and just ignored it.  I think it's seeing the snow falling from the sky that is off putting to him.  Sometimes rain also seems to get him upset and I've seen him launch into what sounds like a reprimand at the rain.  Ironically he loves water and loves the shower and is obsessed with getting spritzed with a water bottle.  Go figure!

 Below are two photos of Chris viewing the winter wonderland outside his suite at Maplemint Farm. 

Chris surveying the snowy landscape

Chris on his swing, eating a Swedish fish


  1. Hello, I've just stumbled across your website and as an Aussie I'm just LOVING the stories you're sharing about a Sulphur Crested Cockatoo - I used to live in the country and we had so many it bought back such good memories. Thank you! Also, I was reading back and the bit about "Where did it go?" (when he dropped the bagel) and it had me laughing out loud - what a clever little fella! Thank you so much for your website ... it's great! All the best to you!
    Melbourne, AUS

  2. Hi Jenny,
    Thanks so much for your lovely comment! Chris loves getting "fan mail" and from Australia is very exciting! Stay tuned because I have a lot of posts to add soon. Chris did another tv news spot this morning so I have a photo and I still have lots of Christmas and even Halloween stories to tell, so hopefully he'll make you laugh some more very soon. Please share his blog with other cockatoo lovers! Best, Alison & Chris
