Monday, February 22, 2010


One day Chris, my Umbrella Cockatoo, stood up very tall and flapped his wings and said "I am Cockatoo!" He knows his name is Chris, and I can assure you I do not run around my apartment yelling "I am Cockatoo!" so this wasn't simply him parroting my words. He had figured out that he was a cockatoo and whatever that meant to him, he was very proud of it. I was very proud of him that day and a bit in awe of him. I also knew I had a huge problem on my hands. This was no mere pet living in my home, this was a force to be reckoned with for the rest of my life. Sort of like a perpetual toddler that flys, for a 100 year life span. (He's now 9 so 91 more years to go.)

I'm always asked about Chris and Holly (my Pionus parrot), what they eat, can they speak, what they say, etc. When I tell the stories of the things they, and in particular, Chris, do people are often dumbfounded. I'm sure half of the time people think I'm making up these stories. I'm not, but unless you live in the shadow of a cockatoo, you just don't understand what it means to be a cockatoo or to be the guardian of one. And, since a picture is worth a thousand words I'll be posting lots of photos of Chris. I'm also going to try to shoot some videos, because seeing it is one thing, but you often have to hear it to believe it. I used to think I was hallucinating when Chris started talking. Even my own mother (Barbara) didn't believe what I was saying he was saying until she heard it for herself. I mean, whose pet looks at them and says "I did a poo-poo!" after doing one?? Or looks around the room and asks "Where are the kitty cats?" (I have two) or commands them to "Call Barbara!"? This is not mimicking, it is a sentient being with advanced intelligence. In addition to not walking around my apartment announcing that I am a cockatoo I also do not run around saying "I did a poo-poo" so there is no way Chris is simply repeating my words. Like any small child, he has built a vocabulary and communicates with the words he knows. And like most small children he gets what he wants most of the time and drives me nuts when he doesn't. Sometimes he throws tantrums. He alternately fights with and grooms his 'brother' Holly, because they are 'frenemies'. He plays with toys, names his stuffed animals, makes a mess, talks on the phone, laughs, flys around my apartment, plays on his 'jungle gym' and play area, eats too many Swedish fish, and sits on my lap. He makes animal noises--barks like a dog, quacks like a duck, and clucks like a chicken, his favorite. He also does a Barbara imitation that isn't very flattering (my favorite). He likes to dance, listen to music and his favorite song is "Happy Birthday to You." He loves Trick or Treaters on Halloween and sits by the door waiting for them. He loves Christmas and gets double the presents because it's also his birthday. His favorite colors seem to be white, blue and yellow. Some of his favorite healthy foods are green grapes, sugar snap peas, edamane, cherries, and safflower seeds. His favorite junk food (for special treats) is: pizza, Eggos mini waffles, Indian samosas (vegetarian), spring rolls (also vegetarian) and the aforementioned Swedish fish. He sleeps next to a life sized stuffed animal parrot and holds it's wing with his foot, although he hates bed time and goes to great lengths to avoid it. Some of his favorite words and phrases are: hello, cockatoo, poo-poo, Barbara, Rozy and I love you. His two favorite questions are: Where's Barbara? and Why did you do that? My favorite question is what is this cockatoo capable of? If he does indeed live for 100 years, what will he be capable of learning and of saying as he gets older? I think documenting his progress is important, not just for him or for me, but for his species.

The Cockatoo Chronicles is my way of sharing what it means to be Cockatoo with the world.

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