Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Chicks

Yesterday was Easter and Chris & Holly had an exciting day. The Easter Bunny brought them presents and Barbara came to visit and brought them a special treat.

Chris & Holly also got some early Easter gifts and have been playing with them for a couple of weeks. Mostly Chris has been playing and driving me, Holly and the cats nuts. The birdbabies got a toy duck and a toy chick that make noise. Chris commandeered them both and all we hear now is quacking or chirping for 30 minutes at a time. At first the cats thought there was another bird in here, but now they just go in my bedroom and hide. Holly starts to protest the noise after a while and I try to block it out, but no luck. You can hear the chick briefly in this video:

The duck is louder (and possibly more annoying):

Fortunately, Chris & Holly also got gifts that don't make noise, like fun sunglasses in assorted colors:

Sporting some yellow shades

and Easter themed foam masks. Chris & Holly love to play with the masks and tear them apart. I put a blue bunny mask on Chris' back, but he didn't love that idea so he quickly stepped out of it.

Birdie got bunny back

Stepping out of the bunny mask

Chris liked it much better when I wore the mask.   He sat on my head and gave me a new hairdo to go with my new bunny face.

Alison sporting a bunny mask and a cockatoo hat

Barbara arrived mid-afternoon and all the boys (avian & feline) were happy to see her.  She brought cans of tuna for the kitty boys and an egg pie for Chris & Holly.  (Quiche is known around here as 'egg pie'.)  They gobbled some up in the evening after Barbara left.  But, while Barbara was here she was the main attraction for Chris. 

Chris perched on Barbara's shoulder

Chris was upset when Barbara had to leave so we went downstairs with her and escorted her into the car.  Usually Chris is in the car and we are leaving Barbara's house, but today it was the opposite.  Chris made kissy noises at her and I let him peer into the car so he could say his final 'good bye' for the day.  But, just before Barbara left Chris said "Happy Birthday."  Barbara's birthday is this month and I did tell Chris that we were going to see Barbara in a few weeks for her birthday.  Chris loves the birthday song and can say "birthday to you" but I've never heard him say "happy birthday" before.  I hesitate to think this was a coincidence.  We'll see if he says it again when we go up for her birthday. 

Before bedtime we watched Easter Parade and Chris and Holly got a last Easter treat: Easter Bunny Pez dispensers.  Chris loves Pez dispensers and pulls out all the candy and then tears the dispenser apart.  Then he plays with the heads.  As of now Easter Bunny Pez is still in tact, but I'm sure that won't last long. 

Chris rubbing his head against his Easter Bunny Pez

Holly's Easter Bunny Pez sans Holly who refused to pose with it.

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