Saturday, March 12, 2011

Catch of the Day

A typical night at my place playing with Chris involves my body being used as a jungle gym-landing strip-launch pad-climbing tree all for his amusement.  I, at least, always had the slight advantage that I could capture him and lock him in his cage if I needed a break.  But, tonight Chris decided to turn the tables on me and capture me.  He's been obsessed with the bird catching net I bought as my last resort to catch him and Holly in the event all else failed.  In fact, Chris is so obsessed with it all I have to do if I want to grab him is to shake it and he comes flying right over.  He's been playing with it a lot the past few days and tonight while I was working on my computer he dragged it over to me so we could play with it.  Somehow I ended up in it as these photos demonstrate.  Chris was able to get it over my head by himself, which is a little frightening.  I love how he is looking quite proud about what he's netted.  Why do I feel like the fish in those "catch of the day" fishing photos?

Behind me, securing his catch 
Mission accomplished!


  1. LOL! You're right!
    He looks like he's saying
    "Hey guys! LOOK! I got her!"
    Too cute!
    Jenny, AUS

  2. Yes, he's very proud of his work! And, he enjoys teasing me.
