Sunday, March 7, 2010


Checking out Dr. L's kitchen

Chris and Holly are a handful, Chris especially, so once in a while I need to board them and get a little break. At least that's what boarding is supposed to be in theory, but in practice I end up doubling up on other work and projects I can't get to when the dynamic duo are in the house, like writing my magazine column or cleaning my closets or starting a blog. Meanwhile, Chris and Holly spend the time with their buddy, Dr. L, at his apartment having a good time. Dr. L is a veterinary surgeon who lives just three blocks away and the boys love him and his apartment. They have cages there and all different toys then they have at home, and they get to watch animal videos on a huge tv, so they don't get bored. And, Dr. L has a small dog, MacKenzie, they find very interesting. They like to watch her and sometimes try to groom her and Chris will throw toys at her, in what I hope is an attempt to get her to play and not aggressiveness. MacKenzie is very good and she just walks away if they start to bug her. Chris and Holly also spend a lot of time grooming each other at Dr. L's which is good for their relationship with each other. As 'frenemies' they can get territoral at our apartment, but when they board, there isn't much to fight over, except who gets to sit on Dr. L!

Chris standing on MacKenzie's back

Chris & Holly jumping off MacKenzie's back

Chris grooming Holly's head

When we arrive at Dr. L's Chris always has to zoom around the apartment and check out his cage and the toys. He prances around until he finds a favorite toy and then wants to play catch with me. He also follows Dr. L around and runs after him from room to room. Holly then runs after Chris. The three of them remind me of a mother duck and her ducklings crossing the road. Very funny! On Thursday when I dropped off the boys for boarding Chris did something naughty: he bit a hole in one of Dr. L's shoes. Chris hates when feet are in shoes (bare feet are fine)and usually likes to chew on the soles, but this time he just sunk his beak right through the leather. He also spent some time checking out the pantry, focusing on a jar of applesauce. And, he watched very closely while MacKenzie ate some treats.

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